Dr. Herrick's CH223
Exams and Quizzes


The exam dates (see also calendar and lecture schedule) are:
  • 11:00-11:50 Thursday, April 22 (midterm exam 1)

  • 11:00-11:50 Thursday, May 13 (midterm exam 2)
  • 10:15-12:15 Monday, June 7 (final exam).

Most quizzes will be held on a Thursday. 




No regular make-up quizzes or exams will be given.  In no instance will an exam be given early.  Written requests for alternate testing arrangements due to conflicts with authorized and unavoidable university events or Disability Services must be made during the first week of the term.  Documentation must be included with all requests.


You must bring your own #2 pencils and an approved calculator to quizzes and exams.  
3.   Only approved calculators may be used during quizzes and exams and sharing of calculators is not allowed. 
4.   UO student identification cards must be brought to each quiz or exam and may be requested by the instructor or assisting proctor at any time.


The "hat rule" will be enforced during all exams.  (All baseball caps or brimmed hats must be removed or turned backwards; remove caps or hats that cover ears.)
6.   All cell phones and other wireless communication devices must be turned OFF and placed under your seat with your backpack and other belongings.  Use of a cell phone during an exam for ANY reason will be regarded as a violation of the academic dishonesty policy. 


Headphones and unauthorized earpieces must be removed during quizzes and exams.


Keep all exam material at your seat--not on the seat next to you.  Stow away ALL other materials (bags, packs, mugs, cell phones, pagers, etc.) under your seat.





 Copyright  D. Herrick